The different levels are combined in a single structure encircled by a ring of slender columns. With its transparency and openness, the building merges visually with the surrounding Tiergarten park.
The colonnade references the classical Greek temple and its definition of public space. However, here, the typology is given a contemporary interpretation and is abstracted. With its transparency and permeability, the light-filled hall eludes to a modern concept of democracy.
Rather than being a massive, masonry edifice, the visitors’ centre is a light pavilion surrounded by the greenery of the Tiergarten.
The building is organised on three programmatically distinct levels, which are connected by a broad staircase. While the first floor serves to filter the stream of visitors, the upper floor, a light-filled hall, offers generous views of the Reichstag building and the Platz der Republik.
BIZ Berlin
Federal Republic of Germany
Berlin, Germany
Type of commission
Competition, 1st Prize
Markus Schietsch, Lara Siri Bunjes, Simon Fässler, Ludwig Jahn, Dunia Nedjar-Anssari, Sebastian Piel, Diego Vincenz, Markus Weissenmayer, Simon Zemp